Today we travelled from Hillsville, VA to Bristol, TN/VA (it’s a city that spans two states!) via the Blue Ridge Parkway again and along the way we stopped at a couple of great music spots – The Blue Ridge Music Center (which is operated by The National Park Service) and The Dulcimer Shop in Blowing Rock, NC.

We saw a lot more motorcycles on the Blue Ridge Parkway today – mostly Hondas and mostly Goldwings! While most of the Goldwings we’ve seen over the last few days have been GL1800s we’ve also seen a few GL1500s. Today, however, we also saw a 1986 Honda Goldwing GL1200 SEi and a 1983 Honda Goldwing GL1100 Interstate (we chatted to the owner of this bike – he’s owned it since new when it had only .3 miles on the odometer!).

Tonight we’ve met up with Ken and Ngat Foster (they’re friends of Sarah and Tariq) – Ken will be taking Ron fly-fishing on the South Holston River tomorrow while Ngat and I explore Bristol.

Also – a postscript to yesterday: I forgot to mention that I managed to overtake vehicles twice yesterday – another scary manoeuvre on par with negotiating roundabouts when driving on the ‘other’ side of the road!


Today’s Photos


Today’s Route


(Click on the image above to open an interactive copy of the map)